Tuesday, December 17, 2019


"What you see is what you get," was the Greek philosophy, 
They worshipped beauty, money, intellect and the human body.
But logic and all that is physical, is a means to an end,
Hashem created these tools, but they didn't comprehend.

Torah and Mitzvos the Greeks did ban,
To separate a Jew from Hashem was their plan,
They wanted to contaminate all that is holy,
So they targeted the women who hold the key to family purity.

It happened at this time, the story is told,
Of a majestic, beautiful bride so bold.
Her wedding was one that was extraordinary,
Because she was from a prominent priestly family.

In the center of the wedding hall, with her hands she did tear,
The beautiful bridal gown that she did wear!
Her embarrassed brothers rose to drag her out angrily,
But she stood firmly in place and stated clearly:

"You who are so zealous that you would kill me,
Are not zealous enough to protect me from the decree,
Of the governor who will come here tonight,
To assault me and tamper with what is holy and right!"

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back,
That made the Maccabees finally attack.
Halachicly, to go to war, wasn't necessary,
But they couldn't refuse their sister's plea.

Women have a strong and special power.
They guard what is holy at every hour.
They use their feminine quality of nobility,
To assertively influence others to do what is necessary.

"Yishmael must go," Sarah Imainu did say,
Hashem told Avraham to listen to her right away.
The sanctity of the Jewish nation was her priority.
She wouldn't allow Yishmael to affect Yitzchok negatively.

Rivkah Imainu arranged that the brachos, Yaakov would receive,
Although it seems like her husband she did deceive.
From our Imahos, Yehudis did learn,
To save the sanctity of the Jewish nation she did yearn.

A Syrian-Greek general at the head of a huge army,
Holoferness, who was notorious for his cruelty,
Saw that he couldn't take the town of Bethulia by force,
So he made a seige and cut off their food and water source.

The town was soon brought to the verge of surrender.
"Give Hashem five more days," said Uzzia the Jewish commander.
Yehudis said, "Why do you test Hashem's salvation?
Besides, surrender is worse than starvation!"

As the daughter of the High Priest, who saw the dire situation,
Uzzia and the elders reluctantly agreed to her mission.
Although she was admired for her devoutness and modesty,
To gain Holofernes's trust she used her charm, grace and beauty.

For helping him capture the city, he promised to make her his wife,
But she made him drunk and with his sword she ended his life!
She wrapped his head in rags to hide her gruesome prize.
When she presented it to Uzzia, he could not believe his eyes!

"Prepare your men for a surprise attack," Yehudis did say,
When the enemy found Holofernes's headless body, they ran away!
Not only was this victory brought about by a woman,
But for the miracle of the oil, to the women the credit is also given.

This is the meaning of, "They, too, were part of the nes."
Their obligation to light Menorah relative to the men is no less.
With self sacrifice they did fight for what is holy and pure.
Because of their unconditional love, a unique miracle was in store.

We have seen other miracles that pertain to oil in Torah,
So what is so special about the miracle of the Menorah?
Sarah and Rivkah's candles burned all week we know,
Into many vessels, Elisha's blessing made the oil flow.

Sarah and Rivkah's oil had a miraculous special quality,
It was depleted slower than oil does usually.
But the Menorah's cups must be full each night the Halacha does say,
So it can't be that an eighth of the oil was consumed every day.

By Elisha, heavenly new oil was miraculously created,
The jug refilled as soon as it was depleted.
But oil for the Menorah must come from an olive, from it's tree,
So the miracle couldn't have been in the oil's quantity.

The miracle of the oil on Chanukah was one of a kind,
Because the Yidden served Hashem above the rational mind.
The oil was consumed and not consumed at the same time,
Which is impossible for the mind to understand, or define!

To the miracle in the Kodesh Hakidoshim it does compare,
The Aron had specific measurements it is clear.
Yet, it didn't take up any space that was physical,
Because Hashem isn't limited by the impossible.

Hashem reciprocated the love that they displayed,
And measure for measure to the Yidden He paid.
The reason the type of miracle is so significant,
Is because for eight days the miracle was constant.

On Chanukah, as Jewish women we commit,
The Holiness of Torah, to our children we'll transmit.
We will have Mesiras Nefesh to light up the night!
We will bring Moshiach and make the world bright!

Women at War by Chana Kroll
The Story of Yehudit
Chanukah and Quantum Theory

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